Benchmarking Examples

Following is the code for the examples used in the benchmarking. The scripts will usually work both as a command line script, but also includes a test showing how to use it in python.

BAM Filtering

Read a BAM file and filter out reads with MAPQ < 60:

with[0], 'w') as f:
    for chunk in[0]).read_chunks():
        f.write(chunk[chunk.mapq == 60])

Unique Intersection

Filter one bed file on whether the intervals overlap with another bed file:

import time

import bionumpy as bnp

def unique_intersect(filename_a: str, filename_b: str, chrom_sizes_file: str, out_filename: str):
    # Load the genome
    genome = bnp.Genome.from_file(chrom_sizes_file, filter_function=None)

    # Load the intervals from the second file and get the binary mask
    genome_mask = genome.read_intervals(filename_b).get_mask()

    with, 'w') as f:
        for intervals in
            mask = genome_mask[intervals].any(axis=-1)

def test():
    out_filename = 'example_data/ctcf_intersect.bed.gz'
    unique_intersect('example_data/ctcf.bed.gz', 'example_data/znf263.bed.gz',

    assert bnp.count_entries(out_filename) == 3951

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    t = time.time()
    print("Time:", time.time()-t)

Jaccard Index

Calculate the Jaccard index between two or more bed files:

Calculates the jaccard similarity between all pairs of bed files.
Writes the results to stdout.
import itertools
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict
import bionumpy as bnp

def jaccard_func(mask_a: bnp.genomic_data.GenomicArray, mask_b: bnp.genomic_data.GenomicArray):
    '''Jaccard = intersection / union'''
    return (mask_a & mask_b).sum() / (mask_a | mask_b).sum()

def jaccard(chrom_sizes_file: str, bed_files: List[str]) -> Dict[Tuple[str, str], float]:
    genome = bnp.Genome.from_file(chrom_sizes_file)
    masks = {filename: genome.read_intervals(filename).get_mask() for filename in bed_files}
    results = {(file_a, file_b): jaccard_func(masks[file_a], masks[file_b])
               for file_a, file_b in itertools.combinations(masks.keys(), r=2)}
    return results

def test():
    chrom_sizes = 'example_data/hg38.chrom.sizes'
    files = ['example_data/ctcf.bed.gz', 'example_data/znf263.bed.gz']
    assert len(jaccard(chrom_sizes, files)) == 1

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    chrom_sizes = sys.argv[1]
    files = sys.argv[2:]
    result = jaccard(chrom_sizes, files)
    for r in result.items():

Count Kmers

Count the number of kmers in a fasta/fastq file:

import bionumpy as bnp

def count_kmers(sequence_entries: bnp.EncodedArray) -> bnp.EncodedCounts:
    sequence = bnp.as_encoded_array(sequence_entries, bnp.DNAEncoding)
    kmers = bnp.get_kmers(sequence, k=5)
    return bnp.count_encoded(kmers, axis=None)

def count_all_kmers(input_file: str, output_file: str):
    buffer_type = bnp.TwoLineFastaBuffer if input_file.endswith(('.fa', '.fa.gz')) else None
    stream =, buffer_type=buffer_type).read_chunks()
    kmers = sum(count_kmers(chunk.sequence) for chunk in stream)
    with open(output_file, 'w') as f:
                     for kmer, count
                     in sorted(zip(kmers.alphabet, kmers.counts)))

def test():
    count_all_kmers('example_data/big.fq.gz', 'tmp.csv')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys

Reverse Complement

Reverse complement a fasta/fastq file:

import bionumpy as bnp

def reverse_complement(input_filename: str, output_filename: str):
    """Reverse complements a fasta or fastq file and writes the result to a new file."""
    bt = lambda filename: (bnp.TwoLineFastaBuffer if filename.endswith(('fa', 'fa.gz')) else None)
    with, "w", buffer_type=bt(output_filename)) as outfile:
        for chunk in, buffer_type=bt(input_filename)).read_chunks():
            rc = bnp.sequence.get_reverse_complement(chunk.sequence)
            outfile.write(bnp.replace(chunk, sequence=rc))

def test():
    reverse_complement('example_data/big.fq.gz', 'example_data/big_rc.fq.gz')
    assert bnp.count_entries('example_data/big_rc.fq.gz') == bnp.count_entries('example_data/big.fq.gz')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    reverse_complement(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])

Sequence Length Distribution

Calculate the length distribution of sequences in a fasta/fastq file:

import bionumpy as bnp
import numpy as np

def get_sorted_sequence_length_distribution(file_name: str):
    '''Return the sequence lengths found and their frequency'''
    counts = bnp.bincount(chunk.sequence.lengths for chunk in
    sizes = np.flatnonzero(counts)
    return sizes, counts[sizes]

def test():

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    file_name = sys.argv[1]
    out_file = sys.argv[2]
    sizes, counts = get_sorted_sequence_length_distribution(file_name)
    with open(out_file, "w") as f:
        f.write("\n".join(["%d %d" % (size, count) for size, count in zip(sizes, counts)]) + "\n")


Subsample exactly half of the seqeuences in a fasta/fastq file. This example is complicated when working on big files as it one have to figure out how many sequences to subsample from each chunk to get exactly half of the sequences:

import dataclasses
from itertools import islice

import numpy as np
import bionumpy as bnp

class State:
    n_entries_left: int
    n_samples_left: int

def subsample_reads(input_filename: str, output_filename: str):
    bt = bnp.TwoLineFastaBuffer if input_filename.endswith(('fa', 'fasta', 'fa.gz', 'fasta.gz')) else None
    n_entries = bnp.count_entries(input_filename, buffer_type=bt)
    state = State(n_entries_left=n_entries,
                  n_samples_left=n_entries // 2)
    subsets = (sample_from_chunk(chunk, state) for chunk in, buffer_type=bt).read_chunks())
    with, "w", buffer_type=bt) as out_file:
        for subset in islice(subsets, 0, None):

def sample_from_chunk(chunk: bnp.SequenceEntry, state: State) -> bnp.SequenceEntry:
    chunk_size = len(chunk)
    n_samples_in_this_chunk = np.random.hypergeometric(chunk_size, state.n_entries_left - chunk_size,
    rows = np.random.choice(np.arange(chunk_size), n_samples_in_this_chunk, replace=False)
    subset = chunk[np.sort(rows)]
    state.n_samples_left -= n_samples_in_this_chunk
    state.n_entries_left -= chunk_size
    return subset

def test():
    filename = 'example_data/big.fq.gz'
    out_filename = 'tmp.fq.gz'
    subsample_reads(filename, out_filename)
    assert bnp.count_entries(out_filename) == bnp.count_entries(filename) // 2

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    subsample_reads(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])


Translate DNA sequences in a fasta file to protein sequences:

import bionumpy as bnp
from bionumpy.sequence import translate_dna_to_protein

def translate_dna(input_file: str, output_file: str):
    with, "w") as f:
        for chunk in
            translated = bnp.replace(chunk, sequence=translate_dna_to_protein(chunk.sequence))

def test_translate_dna():
    input_file = "example_data/dna_translatable.fa"
    output_file = "tmp.fa"
    translate_dna(input_file, output_file)
    assert bnp.count_entries(output_file) == bnp.count_entries(input_file)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys

VCF Filtering

Filter a VCF file on the allele count:

import bionumpy as bnp

def filter_file_on_allele_count(input_file: str, output_file: str, min_ac: int = 10):
    with, "w") as output_file:
        for chunk in
            output_file.write(chunk[ >= min_ac])

def test():
    filter_file_on_allele_count("example_data/variants_with_header.vcf", "test.vcf", min_ac=1)
    assert bnp.count_entries("test.vcf") == 53

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys

    filter_file_on_allele_count(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], int(sys.argv[3]))