Genomic Data
The bnp.genomic_data module contains functions for analysing data that belongs to a reference genome, e.g .bed, .bam, .vcf, .gtf files and so on. The main entry point is the Genome class that creates genomic data objects, either from file, or from BNPDataClass objects. The Genome file is most commonly instaniated from a .chrom.sizes or .fasta file, which contains information about the size of each chromosome in the genome.
API documentation
- class bionumpy.genomic_data.Genome(chrom_sizes: ~typing.Dict[str, int], fasta_filename: str = None, sort_names=False, filter_function=<function Genome.<lambda>>)[source]
The entry point for working with genomic data. Supports reading data directly from file and into GenomicData objects, or creating GenomicData objects from BNPDataClass objects, such Interval, BedGraph or LocationEntry.
Supports both in memory or streamed/lazy data, controlled with the stream keyword. For streamed data it requires that the data in the file uses the same chromosome ordering as the genome. This will usually be the same as either what is provided in the chrom.sizes file, or a simple alphabetic ordering. If sort order errors occur, try using sort_names=True when creating the Genome object.
- classmethod from_dict(chrom_sizes: Dict[str, int], *args, **kwargs) Genome [source]
Create a Genome object from a dictionary of chromosome sizes
chrom_sizes: Dict[str, int] args: Additional args to be passed to the Genome constructor kwargs: Additional kwargs to be passed to the Genome constructor
>>> import bionumpy as bnp >>> bnp.Genome.from_dict({'chr1': 1000, 'chr2': 2000}) Genome(['chr1', 'chr2'])
- classmethod from_file(filename: str, sort_names: bool = False, filter_function=<function ignore_underscores>) Genome [source]
Read genome information from a ‘chrom.sizes’ or ‘fa.fai’ file
File should contain rows of names and lengths of chromosomes. If a fasta file is provided, a fasta index will be written to ‘fa.fai’ if not already theree. The sequence will then be available through, ‘genome.read_sequence()’ without any ‘filename’ parameter.
cls : filename : str sort_names : bool Whether or not to sort the chromosome names
- ‘Genome’
A Genome object created from the read chromosome sizes
>>> import bionumpy as bnp >>> bnp.Genome.from_file('example_data/hg38.chrom.sizes') Genome(['chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3', 'chr4', 'chr5', 'chr6', 'chr7', 'chr8', 'chr9', 'chr10', '...'])
- get_genome_context() GenomeContext [source]
Get the genome context of the Genome Returns ——- GenomeContext
- get_intervals(intervals: Interval, stranded: bool = False) GenomicIntervals [source]
Get genomic intervals from interval data.
- intervalsInterval
Interval’s or stream of Intervals’s
- strandedbool
Wheter or not the intervals are stranded
>>> import bionumpy as bnp >>> intervals = bnp.Interval(chromosome=['chr1', 'chr1', 'chr2'], start=[0, 10, 0], stop=[5, 15, 5]) >>> genome = bnp.Genome.from_dict({'chr1': 20, 'chr2': 10}) >>> genome.get_intervals(intervals) Genomic Intervals on ['chr1', 'chr2']: Interval with 3 entries chromosome start stop chr1 0 5 chr1 10 15 chr2 0 5
- get_locations(data: LocationEntry, has_numeric_chromosomes=False) GenomicLocation [source]
Create `GenomicLocation`s from location entries
- dataLocationEntry
BNPDataClass of location entries
>>> import bionumpy as bnp >>> genome = bnp.Genome.from_file('example_data/small_sequence.fa') >>> genome.get_locations(bnp.datatypes.LocationEntry(chromosome=['chr1', 'chr1', 'chr2'], position=[0, 10, 0])) Genomic Locations on ['chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3']: LocationEntry with 3 entries chromosome position chr1 0 chr1 10 chr2 0
- get_track(bedgraph: BedGraph) GenomicArray [source]
Create a GenomicArray for the data in the bedgraph
bedgraph : BedGraph
>>> import bionumpy as bnp >>> bedgraph = bnp.datatypes.BedGraph(chromosome=['chr1', 'chr1', 'chr2'], start=[0, 10, 0], stop=[5, 15, 5], value=[1, 2, 3]) >>> genome = bnp.Genome.from_dict({'chr1': 20, 'chr2': 10}) >>> genome.get_track(bedgraph) chr1: [1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0] chr2: [3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0]
- read_annotation(filename: str) GenomicAnnotation [source]
Read genomic annotation from a ‘gtf’ or ‘gff’ file
The annotation file should have ‘gene’, ‘transcript’ and ‘exon’ entries.
- filenamestr
Filename of the annotation file
- GenomicAnnotation
GenomicAnnotation containing the genes, transcripts and exons
>>> import bionumpy as bnp >>> genome = bnp.Genome.from_file('example_data/small_sequence.fa') >>> genome.read_annotation('example_data/small.gtf') GenomicAnnotation(genome_context=['chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3'], data=GTFEntry with 5 entries chromosome source feature_type start stop score strand phase atributes chr1 knownGene transcript 17369 17436 . - . gene_id "ENST0000061921 chr1 knownGene exon 17369 17436 . - . gene_id "ENST0000061921 chr1 knownGene transcript 29554 31097 . + . gene_id "ENST0000047335 chr1 knownGene exon 29554 30039 . + . gene_id "ENST0000047335 chr1 knownGene exon 30564 30667 . + . gene_id "ENST0000047335)
- read_intervals(filename: str, stranded: bool = False, stream: bool = False, buffer_type=None) GenomicIntervals [source]
Read a bed file and represent it as GenomicIntervals
If stream is True then read the bedgraph in chunks and get a lazy evaluated GenomicTrack
- filenamestr
Filename for the bed file
- strandedbool
Whether or not to treat the intervals as stranded
- streambool
Wheter to read as a stream
>>> import bionumpy as bnp >>> genome = bnp.Genome.from_file('example_data/small_sequence.fa') >>> genome.read_intervals('example_data/small_summits.bed') Genomic Intervals on ['chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3']: Interval with 13 entries chromosome start stop chr1 639 640 chr1 6023 6024 chr1 7124 7125 chr2 849 850 chr2 6320 6321 chr2 8483 8484 chr2 11342 11343 chr2 12527 12528 chr2 13092 13093 chr2 18943 18944
- read_locations(filename: str, stranded: bool = False, stream: bool = False, has_numeric_chromosomes=False, buffer_type=None) GenomicLocation [source]
Read a set of locations from file and convert them to GenomicLocation
Locations can be treated as stranded or not stranded. If has_numeric_chromosomes then ‘chr’ will be prepended to all the chromosome names in order to make them compatible with the genome’s chromosome names
- filenamestr
Filename of the locations
- strandedbool
Whether or not the locations are stranded
- streambool
Whether the data should be read as a stream
- has_numeric_chromosomesbool
Whether the file has the chromosomes as numbers
- GenomicLocation
(Stranded) GenomicLocation
>>> import bionumpy as bnp >>> genome = bnp.Genome.from_file('example_data/hg38.chrom.sizes') >>> genome.read_locations('example_data/thousand_genomes.vcf', has_numeric_chromosomes=True) Genomic Locations on ['chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3', 'chr4', 'chr5', 'chr6', 'chr7', 'chr8', 'chr9', 'chr10', '...']: LocationEntry with 74 entries chromosome position chr21 5033883 chr21 5035657 chr21 5038297 chr21 5038312 chr21 5052250 chr21 5053935 chr21 5053961 chr21 5063903 chr21 5063916 chr21 5064678
- read_sequence(filename: str | None = None) GenomicSequence [source]
Read the genomic sequence from file.
If a fasta file was used to create the Genome object, filename can be None in which case the sequence will be read from that fasta file
filename : str
>>> import bionumpy as bnp >>> genome = bnp.Genome.from_file('example_data/small_sequence.fa') >>> genome.read_sequence() GenomicSequence over chromosomes: ['chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3'] >>> genome = bnp.Genome.from_file('example_data/small.chrom.sizes') >>> genome.read_sequence('example_data/small_sequence.fa') GenomicSequence over chromosomes: ['chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3']
- read_track(filename: str, stream: bool = False) GenomicArray [source]
Read a bedgraph from file and convert it to a GenomicArray
If stream is True then read the bedgraph in chunks and get a lazy evaluated GenomicArray
- filenamestr
Filename for the bedgraph file
- streambool
Whether or not to read as stream
>>> import bionumpy as bnp >>> genome = bnp.Genome.from_dict({'chr1': 30000, 'chr2': 31000, 'chr3': 32000}) >>> genome.read_track('example_data/small_treat_pileup.bdg') chr1: [ 0.0 0.0 1.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0] chr2: [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0] chr3: [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0]
- property size: int
The size of the genome
- class bionumpy.genomic_data.GenomicArray[source]
Class for representing data on a genome.
- classmethod from_bedgraph(bedgraph: BedGraph, genome_context: GenomeContextBase) GenomicData [source]
Create a genomic array from a bedgraph and genomic context
- bedgraphBedGraph
Bedgraph with data along the genome
- genome_contextGenomeContextBase
The genome context
- classmethod from_global_data(global_pileup: GenomicRunLengthArray, genome_context: GenomeContextBase) GenomicArray [source]
Create the genomic array from data represented on a flat/concatenated genome.
- global_pileupGenomicRunLengthArray
Array over the concatenated genome
- genome_contextGenomeContextBase
The genome context
- class bionumpy.genomic_data.GenomicIntervals[source]
Class for representing intervals on a genome
- abstract clip() GenomicIntervals [source]
Clip the intervals so that they are contained in the genome
- ‘GenomicIntervals’
Clipped intervals
- abstract extended_to_size(size: int) GenomicIntervals [source]
Extend intervals along strand to reach the given size
size : int
- classmethod from_fields(genome_context: GenomeContextBase, chromosome: StringArray, start: ndarray, stop: ndarray, strand: EncodedArray | None = None) GenomicIntervals [source]
Create genomic intervals from fields
genome_context: GenomeContextBase chromosome: StringArray start: np.ndarray stop: np.ndarray strand: EncodedArray
- classmethod from_interval_stream(interval_stream: Iterable[Interval], genome_context: GenomeContextBase, is_stranded=False) GenomicIntervals [source]
Create streamed genomic intervals from a stream of intervals and genome info
interval_stream : Iterable[Interval] genome_context : GenomeContextBase is_stranded : bool
- classmethod from_intervals(intervals: Interval, genome_context: GenomeContextBase, is_stranded: bool | None = False) GenomicIntervals [source]
Create genomic intervals from interval entries and genome info
intervals : Interval genome_context : GenomeContextBase is_stranded : bool
- classmethod from_track(track: GenomicArray) GenomicIntervals [source]
Return intervals of contigous areas of nonzero values of track
track : GenomicArray
- abstract get_mask() GenomicArray [source]
Return a boolean mask of areas covered by any interval
- GenomicArray
Genomic mask
- abstract get_pileup() GenomicArray [source]
Return a genmic track of counting the number of intervals covering each bp
- GenomicArray
Pileup track
- abstract merged(distance: int = 0) GenomicIntervals [source]
Merge intervals that overlap or lie within distance of eachother
distance : int
- ‘GenomicIntervals’
- class bionumpy.genomic_data.GenomicLocation[source]
Class representing (possibliy stranded) locations in the genome
- classmethod from_data(data: BNPDataClass, genome_context: GenomeContextBase, is_stranded: bool = False, chromosome_name: str = 'chromosome', position_name: str = 'position', strand_name: str = 'strand') GenomicLocation [source]
Create GenomicLocation object from a genome context and a bnpdataclass
The field names for the chromosome, positions and strand can be specified
- cls3
- dataBNPDataClass
The data containing the locations
- genome_contextGenomeContextBase
Genome context for the genome
- is_strandedbool
Whether or not the locations should be stranded
- chromosome_namestr
Name of the chromosome field in data
- position_namestr
Name of the position field in the data
- strand_namestr
Name if the strand field int the data
- classmethod from_fields(genome_context: GenomeContextBase, chromosome: List[str], position: List[int], strand: List[str] = None) GenomicLocation [source]
Create genomic location from a genome context and the needed fields (chromosome and position)
- genome_contextGenomeContextBase
Genome context object for the genome
- chromosomeList[str]
List of chromosome
- positionList[int]:
List of positions
- strandList[str]
Optional list of strand
- class bionumpy.genomic_data.GenomicAnnotation(data, genome_context)[source]
Class to hold a genomic annotations. Basically just a holder for gene, transcript and exon intervals.
- classmethod from_gtf_entries(gtf_entries: GTFEntry, genome_context: GenomeContextBase) GenomicAnnotation [source]
Get a GenomicAnnotation from a set of gtf/gff entries
- gtf_entriesGTFEntry
BNPDataClass with gtf entries
- genome_contextGenomeContextBase
The genome context
- ‘GenomicAnnotation’
Annotatin object holding the genes, transcripts and exons
- class bionumpy.genomic_data.GenomicSequence(indexed_fasta: IndexedFasta, genome_context=None)[source]
Class to hold a genomic sequence as a GenomicArray