.. _arithmetics_api: Genomic Data ------------ The `bnp.genomic_data` module contains functions for analysing data that belongs to a reference genome, e.g .bed, .bam, .vcf, .gtf files and so on. The main entry point is the `Genome` class that creates genomic data objects, either from file, or from `BNPDataClass` objects. The `Genome` file is most commonly instaniated from a `.chrom.sizes` or `.fasta` file, which contains information about the size of each chromosome in the genome. API documentation =================== .. currentmodule:: bionumpy.genomic_data .. autoclass:: Genome :members: .. autoclass:: GenomicArray :members: .. autoclass:: GenomicIntervals :members: .. autoclass:: GenomicLocation :members: .. autoclass:: GenomicAnnotation :members: .. autoclass:: GenomicSequence :members: