Making examples


Small and simple examples and scripts that use BioNumPy can be put in the scripts/-directory. If you have bigger examples (e.g. using big data, having dependencies or spread across multiple scripts) it is better to create a separate repository for the example. This repository may live in the bionumpy organization on Github.

Testing of examples

For automatic testing of your example, follow these rules:

  1. Use the filename [name] Ending your script with will include it in the automatic testing.

  2. Put one or more functions starting with test_ in your example file. These tests will be run by the automatic testing.

You can run your tests like this while developing:

pytest scripts/

Using data in your examples

You may use any files in the example_data-directory. When referencing these files, the path should be relative to the root path of BioNumpy (e.g. example_data/reads.fq and not ../reads.fq).

You can put data in this directory, but only small data files. If your example needs bigger data, your should make it in a separate repository.