Source code for

from pathlib import PurePath
import os
from .indexed_fasta import IndexedFasta, create_index
from .files import bnp_open
from .delimited_buffers import DelimitedBuffer
from .multiline_buffer import FastaIdx

class IndexBuffer(DelimitedBuffer):
    sep = "\t"
    dataclass = FastaIdx

[docs] def open_indexed(filename: str) -> IndexedFasta: """Open an indexed fasta (for now) file with random access If an index is not already present for the file, create it Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename of the file Returns ------- IndexedFasta An Indexed fasta object that supports random access on chromosome or intervals Examples -------- >>> from bionumpy import open_indexed >>> reference = open_indexed("example_data/small_genome.fa") >>> reference Indexed Fasta File with chromosome sizes: {'0': 80, '1': 80, '2': 80, '3': 80} >>> reference["1"] encoded_array('gcttggtatgaaaacccatc...') >>> from bionumpy.datatypes import Interval >>> intervals = Interval.from_entry_tuples([("1", 10, 20), ("2", 20, 30)]) >>> reference.get_interval_sequences(intervals) encoded_ragged_array(['aaaacccatc', 'ggccgttttt']) """ path = PurePath(filename) suffix = path.suffixes[-1] index_file_name = path.with_suffix(path.suffix + ".fai") assert suffix in (".fa", ".fasta"), "Only fasta supported for indexed read" if not os.path.isfile(index_file_name): index = create_index(path) bnp_open(index_file_name, "w", buffer_type=IndexBuffer).write(index) return IndexedFasta(filename)