Source code for bionumpy.arithmetics.similarity_measures

from .intervals import get_boolean_mask
from ..streams import MultiStream, streamable, BnpStream
import numpy as np
from ..datatypes import ChromosomeSize, Interval

def get_contingency_table(intervals_a, intervals_b, sequence_length):
    boolean_a = get_boolean_mask(intervals_a, sequence_length)
    not_a = ~boolean_a
    boolean_b = get_boolean_mask(intervals_b, sequence_length)
    not_b = ~boolean_b
    return np.array([[np.sum(boolean_a & boolean_b), np.sum(boolean_a & not_b)],
                     [np.sum(not_a & boolean_b), np.sum(not_a & not_b)]])

[docs] def forbes(chromosome_sizes: ChromosomeSize, intervals_a: Interval, intervals_b: Interval) -> float: """Computes the Forbes similarity index for two sets of intervals. Parameters ---------- chromosome_sizes : ChromosomeSize A ChromosomeSizes, typically from reading a chromosome.sizes file with intervals_a : Interval Must be sorted. Can be read using on a bed-file. intervals_a : Interval Must be sorted. Can be read using on a bed-file. Returns ------- float The forbes similarity index. Examples -------- >>> from bionumpy.arithmetics import forbes, sort_intervals >>> from bionumpy.datatypes import Interval >>> a = Interval.from_entry_tuples([("chr1", 10, 20), ("chr2", 20, 30)]) >>> b = Interval.from_entry_tuples([("chr2", 15, 25), ("chr1", 10, 40)]) >>> a_sorted = sort_intervals(a, sort_order=["chr1", "chr2"]) >>> b_sorted = sort_intervals(b, sort_order=["chr1", "chr2"]) >>> forbes({"chr1": 100, "chr2": 200}, a_sorted, b_sorted) 5.625 """ ms = MultiStream(chromosome_sizes, a=intervals_a, b=intervals_b) ((a, b), (c, d)) = get_contingency_table(ms.a, ms.b, ms.lengths) N = (a+b+c+d) return a*N/((a+b)*(a+c))
[docs] def jaccard(chromosome_sizes: ChromosomeSize, intervals_a: Interval, intervals_b: Interval) -> float: """Computes the Jaccard similarity index for two sets of intervals. Parameters ---------- chromosome_sizes : ChromosomeSize A ChromosomeSizes, typically from reading a chromosome.sizes file with intervals_a : Interval Must be sorted. Can be read using on a bed-file. intervals_a : Interval Must be sorted. Can be read using on a bed-file. Returns ------- float The forbes similarity index. Examples -------- See forbes for examples. """ ms = MultiStream(chromosome_sizes, a=intervals_a, b=intervals_b) ((a, b), (c, d)) = get_contingency_table(ms.a, ms.b, ms.lengths) N = (a+b+c+d) return a/(N-d)