.. _supported_file_formats: Supported file formats ----------------------------------- This is a list of currently supported file formats in BioNumPy. Reading files with any of these extensions with `bnp.open` will make BioNumPy automatically detect the file type and read the data into an appropriate data structure (which will be a dataclass-like object with fields). * vcf * bed * fasta / fa * bed * fastq / fq * gfa (limited support only) * gff * gtf * gff3 * sam / bam ======= Example ======= We open a bed file, read one chunk and print a description of that chunk: .. testcode:: import bionumpy as bnp data = bnp.open("example_data/test.bed") chunk = data.read_chunk() print(chunk) The above example should work wih any of the supported file formats. This shows us that we have a a chunk of 71 intervals, and we get to see the first of these: .. testoutput:: Interval with 71 entries chromosome start stop 17 7512371 7512447 17 7512377 7512453 17 7512393 7512469 17 7512420 7512496 17 7512422 7512473 17 7512425 7512501 17 7512428 7512504 17 7512474 7512550 17 7512537 7512613 17 7512559 7512635 Implementing a new file format ------------------------------ This guide is not written.